By Anna Hazard
Available at Home Depot
The penultimate section of our aging in place series finishes off the laundry room with tips & advice for some often overlooked options such as accessible laundry sinks, lighting & outlets, as well as laundry appropriate flooring. Due to similar functions, many of the previous guidelines mentioned for bathroom & kitchen accessibility can also be applied to this location.
By Anna Hazard
There is a large selection of other storage and organization options for the laundry room besides the previously mentioned cabinets, shelving, and countertops. This includes various racks, bins, foldaway boards for ironing, and other miscellaneous equipment.
Due to its function, some of the main elements to keep in mind include having storage that is suitable for a sometimes moist environment as well as keeping the general area free from anything that might snag, rip, or wrinkle cloth.
By Anna Hazard
Storage within a laundry room layout meant for aging in place should focus on safety, easy accessibility, and on lowering the amount of effort required to complete each task. Cabinets and countertops should be carefully located within close proximity to the room's appliances for easy transfer of laundry without hampering movement or maneuverability.
If cabinets or other storage & work areas are located too far away from the washing machine or dryer than shifting clothing and other laundry items will become more onerous & require more physical strength. In counterpoint, an awkwardly close placement may end up blocking access to the appliances, walkway, or otherwise end up impeding movement (particularly if the user is maneuvering with a mobility aid). Otherwise cabinets, counters, and other storage places for commonly used laundry items (such as detergent, fabric softener, dryer sheets, iron & ironing board) should be placed within easy reach of the location where they will be used and at a level that will not require the user to bend over or reach above their heads.
By Anna Hazard
Switching over to more senior friendly appliances in advance is another way to prepare the laundry room for aging in place. The major appliances within this area would be the washing machine and dryer with a main focus being on more user friendly brands and varieties that are easier to use for aging eyes and bodies.
In general, options should always be chosen that will minimize both the physical and mental effort needed when doing the laundry.
By Anna Hazard
Available at Premier Lift Products
Dumbwaiters are particularly beneficial in multi-level households that have users with more severe strength or mobility issues as they bypass the necessity of having to carry laundry either up or down the various stairs. This greatly reduces the risk of injuries due to strain, tripping, or falling and thus is the safest method of dealing with laundry that is generated and cleaned on different levels of a home. In addition, the dumbwaiter can also be used to easily transport other small & heavy objects between the different stories.
Otherwise, navigating a multi-level home with a full load of laundry for an aging-in-place household may require the installation of a more expensive wheelchair style stair lift or residential levator instead.
By Anna Hazard
When it comes to readying the laundry room for proper accessibility and safety, more consideration should be kept in mind than simply the layout and equipment within the room itself. In particular, the various methods used to transport the laundry to and from the washing machine and dryer is of high concern considering the various dangers inherent in hauling a heavy load over an extended distance.
This becomes particularly important with the common degeneration of muscle mass, increasing limited mobility & balance issues, and the possible presence of other impairing health concerns such as arthritis that often naturally develop with age.
By Anna Hazard
Cleaning the laundry tends to become more problematic as one ages due to increasing physical limitations including strength, dexterity, visual, and mobility problems. This makes normal laundry related chores such as carrying baskets & hampers, lifting piles of dry or wet clothes, operating complicated equipment, and using a wide variety of chemicals more daunting if not outright more dangerous. This can be further exacerbated due to utility areas such as the laundry room often tending to be lacking in amenities.
To properly prepare a household for aging in place, the basics of laundry room design (such as storage, lighting, equipment operation, and space concerns) should be implemented in order to make certain that doing the laundry and other related tasks remains safe, convenient, and easily accessible. This can be done by planning ahead and incorporating features that will accommodate potential future concerns caused by the aging process.
By Anna Hazard
The final section of our series on accessibility and safety modifications for the bathroom focuses on ableware and daily aids that will be helpful in completing bathroom related tasks such as bathing & grooming.
While a few of the more general aids such as one-handed toothpaste dispensers or back-scrub shower brushes may be found at local stores, the bulk of these items may need to be purchased from specialty ableware stores. In addition, most of these tools are relatively inexpensive and small enough to be stored within the bathroom when not in use. Aging in Place by Room - Part 43 - Bathroom Ableware - Toilet Aids & General Accessibility4/30/2020
By Anna Hazard
This section of our aging in place & universal design series focuses on general accessibility and safety within the bathroom including various specialized aids for transport & movement. In addition, smaller handheld & portable ableware such as various toilet & commode related aids are discussed & recommended.
While a few of these aids (such as the recommended bathroom communication devices) can be found at more general retail stores, the more specialized aids will need to be purchased from shops that cater to ableware & daily aids for arthritis, seniors, as well as the disabled.
By Anna Hazard
The bathroom is usually one of the brightest lit rooms within the household due to its function as a main place for grooming and viewing oneself in the mirror. However, this room also tends to be one of the smaller enclosed areas which brings its own considerations in counterpoint to many of the other larger rooms. While a smaller area may be easier to light up uniformly, placing lights in accessible locations while in such tight corners can prove to be more difficult.
When it comes to lighting in the bathroom, these particular circumstances, tips, and recommendations should be kept in mind. |
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